
We put a high priority on caring for pupils and ensuring that their wellbeing and emotional resilience are well supported. Pupils are recognised as individuals, and each have a bespoke programme of support across the school day. Class sizes comprise of no more than six pupils, alongside a minimum of two adults, ensuring that pupils get the individual attention they need to thrive. The wider school community is small and nurturing, all staff know the children well irrespective of class and understand each child’s needs and support requirements.

Stone Lodge Therapeutic School recognises that the school day forms a relatively small part of a child’s time, and that in order to achieve the best possible outcomes school and home must work closely together. To achieve this, the school has a family liaison officer who will work closely with
parents and carers to share and receive information on what works well, and what works less well and to focus on ensuring appropriate levels of communication are maintained. All pupils have a dedicated tutor who will provide pastoral support and liaise regularly with parents to celebrate
successes and academic progress. Parents are encouraged to reach out to the school at any time to speak with their child’s tutor or with the Principal who operates an open-door policy.
Some of the pupils at Stone Lodge Therapeutic School will be in Local Authority Care and residing in either a foster placement or a children’s home. All staff at the school are trained in meeting the needs of children with traumatic early life experiences and attachment difficulties. The school’s designated teacher for children in care is the Principal Ollie Sharp, who will work closely with partners across the Virtual Schools and Social Care to ensure the best possible outcomes for each child.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is the Principal – Ollie Sharp. He can be contacted at