
We have a highly experienced governing body which meets termly. As a small independent school we feel it is important that we get the support and challenge from governors who are not connected to the school but are highly experienced in specialist education. This will provide the challenge – we will not be “marking our own homework” but also will ensure we are supported with innovative approaches and perspectives from other professionals.

Chair of Governors and safeguarding governor: Jessie Walker – Headteacher at Maplefields School – Corby. Jessie has been the Head at Maplefields, an Outstanding maintained SEMH school, for many years and has a strong focus on staff training and innovation. Any concerns re the Principal should be directed to her – head@maplefields.northants.sch.uk

School Governor: Matt Storey – Matt is a highly experienced leader in the independent SEN sector. He is currently a Director at Smoothstone Care and a Principal at Jasmine House. He is very experienced in leading and developing new schools, including ASC provisions.

Proprietor: Mohammed Damani is the representative of the proprietor – Rockingham Education Services – and has extensive experience in managing PRUs and special schools.

Ollie Sharp (Principal), Kerry White (Deputy Head Teacher) and Stacey Whitehead (Clinical Lead) attend termly governance meetings.
Kate Cleaver – a highly experienced primary school Headteacher is the parent governor.

Please click on the links below to view key policies.

If you wish to raise a complaint there is the complaints policy below. In 2023-2024 there was one complaint.

If you wish to view any other policies please contact the school.