
It is widely accepted that standalone therapeutic interventions are less effective in supporting the needs of complex children than consistent and embedded programmes that are generalised across the day. Considering this, the school offers a therapeutic environment, and its methodology is
underpinned by accepted therapeutic practice. Stone Lodge Therapeutic School focusses upon the P.A.C.E approach as outlined by Dr Dan Hughes and all staff are specialist in the delivery of this programme. Pupils who have difficulties with emotional regulation are supported to develop their
emotional understanding through an embedded emotion coaching approach alongside specific teaching of regulation via the Zones of Regulation.

In addition to generalised practice, the school used evidence-based group interventions such as “Lego Therapy” and “Think Social” to support our pupils in developing appropriate social skills. Staff communicate closely around the delivery of such programmes, to ensure teaching is then
generalised into class working.
Due to their needs, be it in communication, regulation or emotional wellbeing, some pupils will also require direct one to one therapy from a Speech and Language Therapist, Psychotherapist or Occupational Therapist. Where this level of need is assessed, Stone Lodge Therapeutic School will ensure that therapy is delivered alongside embedding any therapist recommended programmes and ensuring that the teachings of specific therapy services are regularly embedded into staff training sessions. Where required, assessment and advice will be commissioned
from the aforementioned therapy services alongside Educational or Clinical Psychologists.